December 19, 2008

You've GOT to be kidding me

I think I am getting better at this. Or just, really easily annoyed. Haha, but I guess it works.

So, there's this girl, she unblocked a BUNCH of us. She was a bitch to us in her AIM statuses, we would not stay quiet about it. Especially, me. Which came to the point where she called me BITTER. Hahaha, while I have my low moments, I'm usually perfectly content. I just am a nasty bitch to the people who deserve it. Aren't we all, in all honesty? Anyway, she decided it'd be fun to unblock us. Now, what the FUCK is that? Keep us unblocked. Now, I MIGHT be hypocritical when I say that seeing as I blocked her too. Thing is, I wanted to know if I was included in the unblocking bunch. Can't blame me. I know, curiosity killed the cat. And if I was a cat, I would have done too early on in life. Crap, sidetracked. Anyway, of course, once she unblocks us ALL, she makes her statuses annoying as hell. Thing is, this bitch never admits that she directs her statuses to us. When in reality, I'm 99.9% sure she does. She is a walking hypocrite, I swear. She's always like.. I hate drama, I don't want to be involved. And then, she creates the worst shit possible. She's always like... I don't talk shit behind anyone's back. And I fucking guarantee you, the shit she says is worse than us, the "bad" guys. Trust me, I've seen it (probably shouldn't have, but oh well). I hold her responsible for alot of the shit that has happened. INCLUDING, the friend mentioned in the last post. And, most importantly, the fucking reason things didn't stay fucking dead. Let's just make us the bad guys, okay? Kthnxbai.