May 26, 2008

"Someone told me love would all save us.."

I really haven't talked about Idol on my blog? Oh, yay!

So, basically, I don't keep up with Idol, at all.
But, this season, my friend said that there was this really young cute guy on the season. And that he had talent. 
Hello, David Archuleta.
He did catch my attention, to a point. He lacked consistency and got boring at times, because he was too predictable. Not to mention, his dad.
Then came Mariah Carey week, and I was left in shock.
Not, by Archie, but David Cook. After his performance of "Always Be My Baby," he left me in awe. That performance would change Idol for me, forever. Ok, maybe not forever, but for the rest of the season. Not only was his arrangement better than the Mariah Carey, but it was clearly visible that this wasn't a game to him, his passion and love for music shown through. And it continued, even after the words from the judges. He got tears. I hadn't seen a guy tear for his love of music. Sure, Archie went close, but it was then I realized, David Cook wanted it more. And that it was gonna take him to the top two.
I got scared for Cook twice. One being Top 4 week. Also known as, Curse of the Rocker. Two seasons ago, Daughtry, whose audition he watched for inspiration, got voted off even if votes came POURING in. It was bad luck. Votes came in for him, but they ended up going to Katharine McPhee, yeah, I know. Different story. Basically, it was more or less, if someone so talented, that was rocker, got voted off that week, what made it safe for Cook?
America FINALLY got it right, sending Jason home. Confirming, in the end, it was gonna be the Two Davids. I would have liked it if it was David Cook and Michael Johns. I mean, they BOTH had talent, and Michael Johns left the show before he should have. 
The last night of performances was intense. Actually, not really. Archie would start singing and I got bored. Usually, I can sit through his performance, but that night, I couldn't. I'd leave as soon as he would come on. But, apparently, the judges thought that Archie had it in the bag. It made me beyond nervous. Not only that, but I wouldn't even be home for the finale. I KNOW! So, I had basically everyone my two really good friends on the east coast tell me the results. 
COOK WIN! I was like, wtf? You are so lying. But they weren't, America got it right. And I was in awe and happiness. I performed in a dance performance that night, and guess what? I didn't suck. So yay for Cook winning.
I wish good luck to Archie, though. He'll do fine.... When he turns 18.
Hopefully, Michael Johns gets something.

Oh, and the lyric as my title. "Hero" by that one dude from Nickelback.
Archie and Cook sang it.
Cook owned.

May 24, 2008

People Suck.

Hello world of Blogspot,

Or, at least the people who read this. Which probably aren't a lot.

First off, I hate people. I know that sounds bad, but why does everyone in this society have the need to hurt or put down someone else? I mean, it doesn't have to even be in a "YOU SUCK" kinda way. It can just treat them in sucha crappy way that it makes them feel so low. Or make them so insecure to be who they are. I mean, we all have feelings. So what makes your feelings any better than someone else's?

How can you replace someone without a second thought? I mean, sure they can say that haven't, but actions speak louder than words? What I don't get is how they don't realize how much it hurts, you know?

Ok, this is making no sense and I should get back to work.
Later everyone.

May 11, 2008

Let's be random =)

So, it's obviously that I haven't been keeping up with this. Not only that, but I've deleted my previous blogs. Yeah, I know, I'm weird. But, I swear, I'll update this more if you read this possible long blog. Deal, yeah?

Let's see what's been happening lately... Oh, I've been probably the most stressed I have ever been in the longest time. I'm currently waiting to get back an essay I wrote on Macbeth awhile back. I really hope I get a semi-decent grade on it. Since I worked my ass off on it. But, with my teacher, you never know. Not only that, I've been putting off writing my OTHER essay that this same teacher assigned us. Yeah, we basically never get a break with this guy. 'Cept, it's not being put off because I don't wanna write it, it's just I CAN'T. I'm suffering from writer's block. Which should make it interesting because my final for this semester is an essay. I KNOW! This teacher is insane XD. But, honestly, I'd rather write an essay because then that means I'll only have to worry about studying for my Bio, French, and Algebra finals. BESIDES, we can write about anything we want, as long as it compares and/or contrasts something. It doesn't have to be a book, like what we usually write about. And actually, I probably was gonna stress myself out because my original idea was gonna be a book, but then some other idea hit me. I can write about something that would be fun and totally easy, in a sense. Two of my favorite online series, LG15 and RP07.

Some of you are like, I've heard of LG15. But, what's this RP07? And some of you are like, I have no fucking clue what these two things are. Well, I'll rant about them, because well, I want to XD. The LG15 craze started back in summer of '06, I believe. It was about a girl named Bree, doing what any normal person. V-logged and spent alot of time online. Eventually, she was on the run from people of her cult religion. They wanted her blood (I know, very vampire) because of the ribosomes. I guess that's the short version of it. And RP07 is fan ARG based on that. Yes, a fan created series. And I normally hate these because they get boring. But, Sam, my friend and it's creator, is very talented and smart. So, it's pretty good, actually. And in a sense, a little bit more fun than LG15. I dunno how to explain it, there's just more elements that make it more interesting. 
If you haven't you should check both out: (it has all the videos, except the first one, but it's fine)
Though, I'd suggest checking out RP07 first because it's alot shorter. And the music is, kickASS XD.

I could probably post more stuff right now. But, I'm lazy. And this is long enough. So, until later.